Chairman’s Report May 2023

May 09th 2023

St Breock Parish Council – Chairman’s Annual Report – May2023

The Covid-19 pandemic was mentioned in last year’s report and now that the earlier mass vaccination programme is
complete and we are all learning to live with Covid the next round of booster vaccinations are about to be ‘rolled out’. I
would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the Parish, to thank the Secretary and his staff at the Royal Cornwall
Showground for facilitating and hosting the NHS vaccination centre which is still in operation on the site. I also offer a huge
thank you on your behalf to all the NHS staff who have given and are still giving so much during the pandemic.

Over the year for the Council, it has been very much business as usual dealing with issues raised by parishioners’ and the increasing
crop of planning applications, where we invariably conduct site visits.

Some highlights of our activities follow below.
Our rolling programme for installing defibrillators continues. We have already installed a cabinet in the disused BT
telephone kiosk in Burlawn and another cabinet on the side of the bus shelter in Whitecross. The next defibrillator is due
to be installed in Trevanson together with a new notice board; others will follow. One of the challenges with siting
defibrillators is the requirement for power and internet access – thanks to those who have provided thus far. We have
acquired the services of a Cornwall based defibrillator management company, who as part of the installation package will
provide a training session by a qualified instructor. Our first informal training session has already taken place and apart
from showing our parishioners how to access and use the defibrillator, the instructor also gave a ‘hands on’ demonstration
on how to correctly administer C.P.R. The evening session was very well attended, it included a cross section of age groups
and the feedback received has been very positive. Details of any future training sessions will be found on our website at
( We would welcome and encourage you and your family members to join us.

We have been working hard to address the safety concerns raised by our parishioners with regards to the following three
locations; the main A39 at Whitecross; the access onto the Hawksfield site, and West Hill at its junction with the access
road into the Dunveth business park. The Parish Council has had useful discussions with Cornwall Council together with its
Highways Department, who have recognised the issues, but unfortunately due to the very high costs involved in the
solutions, together with the lack of available funding means improvements cannot currently take place .We will continue to keep under review
until hopefully, the current economic climate does improve and funding does become available.

The Governance Review undertaken by Cornwall Council back in 2019 has at last been finalised. There will be no change to
the St Breock Parish boundary and I am pleased to say that Rowan Road together with the Dunveth Business Park will
remain in our parish. The Council would like to thank all of the parishioners’ for their support in achieving this outcome,
especially those Rowan Road residents who would have been impacted the most. Now that the review is over It is
anticipated that the Neighbourhood Plan involving the parishes of Egloshayle, St Breock and Wadebridge which has been
held in abeyance can now be re-visited, refreshed, and move forward towards its completion. It is very important that we
have a Neighbourhood Plan in place as it will become a ‘term of reference document’ for each of the three Councils to
work with when dealing with the increasing number of planning applications we receive for future developments within
our individual parishes.

I would like to conclude by thanking our Parish Clerk and all of our Councillors for their support and commitment they
have afforded me during this past year. My thanks also to Councillor Robin Moorcroft. Our Council membership has grown
but we still have vacancies. If you are interested in what is happening within the parish you live and feel you would like to
contribute, then we would welcome you to join us. You can do this by contacting the Parish Clerk via our website.
Ray Jarratt (Chairman to St Breock Parish Council


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