Local Planning Applications

The Parish Council is a key consultee for planning applications within the areas of St Breock. Every planning application within the Parish is considered by our Planning Sub Committee and where deemed necessary, a site visit takes place.

Generally, they are then voted on at one of our Ordinary Meetings and you can find the information on forthcoming applications on our agenda and notice boards. At our Ordinary Meetings we always hold a period of public participation where parishioners can come along and give us their views on planning applications or any other matter within the Parish.

Please be aware however, the Parish Council are purely consultees , they do not have the overall power to grant or, refuse any applcation.


Pawton Springs Farm St Wenn Bodmin


Rose Cottage Trevanson Road Wadebridge

PA24 05244

Malcolm Barnecutt Bakery & Cafe Estuary Retail Park Wadebridge PL27 7GN


Broadmeadows Bungalow St Breock.


The Old Diary Trevanson Road Wadebridge


Broadmeadows Bungalow St Breock PL27 7LS