
Standing Orders are the written rules of a local council. They are used to confirm a council's internal organisational, administrative and procurement procedures and procedural matters for meetings.

The Council has an itemized asset register available to download. 

This document outlines a risk assessment and the outcomes of such with regards to the Councils practices.

This document outlines a risk assessment and the outcomes of such with regards to the Councils practices with an emphasise on the effects of GDPR.

The Council's Policy and Procedure regarding Whistleblowing.

This document contains the Councils Internal Control Statement.

This document outlines the councils commitment to ensuring all people are treated fairly no matter their race, creed or religion. 

The Council's Policy and Procedure enforced during any potential breaches of Data.

The Council's Privacy Notice Policy.

The Council's Health & Safety Policy. 

The Council's Anti-Fraud & Corruption Policy. 

A document outlining the Financial Regulations the Council must conform to.

The Council's Code of Conduct Policy.

The Council's Grievance Policy & Procedure.

The Council's Data Subject Requests Policy.

The Council's Data Protection Policy.

The Council's GDPR Policy.

The Council's policy on vexatious complaints.