To promote equal treatment for all employees or job applicants irrespective of disability, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, religion, or political belief; and that this is managed in such a way that St Breock Parish Council complies with Equal Opportunities legislation and Codes of Practice.
Purview all employees, including casual workers and those employed on temporary contracts, and all job applicants. This policy has particular relevance to those concerned with recruitment, training and promotion.
- make use of the best skills, talent, and abilities of all employees;
- ensure, as far as possible, that its services reflect the diverse needs of its customers and residents
Whilst the emphasis, in this policy, is on fair and equal treatment of employees, the principal of creating an environment which eliminates discrimination applies equally to the treatment of customers, suppliers and other people who have contact with St Breock Parish Council.
In respect of the disabled, St Breock Parish Council will:
- Give full and fair consideration to disabled people for all types of vacancies;
- Wherever possible, newly disabled employees will be continued in employment by the authority;
- Wherever necessary, equipment will be modified and the use of special aids for employment, or job-restructuring, supported to enable a disabled person to be employed or remain in employment;
- Wherever reasonably practicable, premises will be adapted to enable disabled people to be employed or continue to be employed.
Key Contact Parish Clerk – Jacqui Peskett, Clerk to the Parish of St Breock email: jp@aalgaardrenshaw.com
Adopted at the Parish Council meeting held on November 11th 2020